Vocabulary Builder
Learning, interacting and remembering “All in One”!
A journey of 19,000 hours begins with one word from Pre-School to a College degree. This is how many hours an average student will spend just to finish University. The average vocabulary of native students when they reach grade 3 is about 3,000 words. What are these words? How many words does my child know now? How can I help my child to be better prepared to cope with 21st century learning demands? By building up a solid vocabulary and grammar foundation for your child’s learning career for their successes you can – Start Now!
Mount Knowledge provides a broad interactive play-based and Dynamic Real-Time microSelf-Learning content and microSelf-tests to ensure your successes! All the content is copied and pasted into the KG to meet the learning expectations such as; vocabulary and basic grammar exercises, for your child’s pre-school, elementary and High School education. Our training program will help your child to have the confidence to handle the curriculum required in reading and writing assignments and get better scores by the time they get into the next grade — guaranteed!
Realtime Learning
Real Time microSelf-Learning using the Knowledge Generator
What is real time?
It is the option that we provide to enable you, the student, to learn whatever you want, whenever you want JUST BY COPYING AND PASTING IN THE MATERIAL YOU WANT TO LEARN.
Create Your Own Learning World the Knowledge Generator & Syntality™.
If you need to learn your own school content for home work, your favorite topic, news or even fiction, you just need to paste it into our Real Time self-learning engine. This application will generate numerous exercises for you, from your own textual materials that you input, to testing you on your knowledge of the content while giving you immediate feedback on your scores and marks. Get started now and join the Learning Expedition team to help you get to the top of your learning desires sooner and easier than traditional learning methods.
Special Education
From General to Special Needs with the Knowledge Generator!
Special need students require more support than they would ordinarily receive in the school setting. The Knowledge Generator has helped students who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, and physical or multiple exceptionalities with excellent results in learning concentration, building up vocabulary, speaking and writing to meet required expectations.
Special education course for special needs!
The Knowledge Generator has helped students from special needs, students at risk, gifted students, low percentile students, Down syndrome who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, and physical or multiple exceptionalities with excellent results in learning concentration, building up vocabulary, speaking and writing to meet required expectations.
eBook Reading
The Knowledge Generator is a variable kReader™ eBook. It also provides the four ‘C’ – Content, Connectivity, Communication, and Collaboration (4Cs). When a student wants or needs to read any textual content that is copied and pasted into the KG engine the Avatar will be able to read the text at a rate determined by the listener’s comprehension rate. The kReader can be set to a one word phonetic pronunciation or to a complete sentence or paragraph at reading speed rate that is determined by the listener. It is a personalization and personification learning experience of and for the learner.
provided by
Natural language processing,
Linguistic intelligence ,
Real time content generating engine ,
Accelerated learning techniques