KG & Syntality

                 Knowledge Generator

A patented Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), “All-in-One”, DYNAMIC Real-Time, microSelf-Learning, microSelf-Training and Self-Testing, Personalize Gamification Avatar Software system and method that enables people to turn ANY content Data/Information into their Knowledge (DyK) 300% faster, 32.3% better with 80% retention.

The Company has developed a suite of market specific “DYNAMIC real-time microSelf-learning and Self-Testing” software applications for both corporate and direct consumer learning need markets worldwide. The Company’s technology stems from an interactive and visual learning system referred to as Syntality™ integrated into a core application known as the “Knowledge Generator™”.


 Features & Benefits

The Knowledge Generator™ product was developed with over two hundred (200) AI, ML, Personalize Gamification Avatar user-interface enablers to promote the utilization of three (3) of the user’s senses during the learning process; to see (visualize), listen, compose, speak, reply and interact and react to information by keyboard touch, sound and sight.

The Knowledge Generator™ system addresses many learning needs of students from preschool to college, from one phonetic sound to complete pronunciation of phrases, from learning one word to understanding and writing complete sentences, from listening to speaking and comprehension. 

Users can simply COPY AND PASTE from various sources; i.e. word document,, Internet and ANY digital textual content that users want to learn. The Knowledge Generator™ software application tools will automatically create microSelf-Learning interactive exercise based learning or microSelf-Training skill lessons, automatic tests with immediate gamification scores and marks. The Company markets the use of the Knowledge Generator™ products as a learning solution for individuals, schools, parents, trainers, government agencies, healthcare facilities, and corporations to provide an enhanced and robust DYNAMIC real-time interactive personalize Avatar eLearning tool to assist in new job skill training and continual education programs.

      How It Works

DYNAMIC Real-Time Self-Learning Application.
The Knowledge Generator™ product line consists of a patented core AI, ML, Personalize Gamification Avatar technology that allows for textual information to be converted into a multi-purpose learning experience with automatically generated interactive lessons, exercises, tests and scores. The software application has more than 200 interactive enabling microSelf-Learning tools that allow users to transform “Data/information into their/your knowledge” (DyK) 32.3% better, providing an interactive and dynamic alternative to traditional passive (rote) learning methods.

The Knowledge Generator™ system addresses many learning needs of students from preschool to college, from one phonetic sound to complete pronunciation of phrases, from learning one word to understanding and writing complete sentences, from listening to speaking and comprehension and so on. Users can simply import, in various formats from word documents, textual content users want to learn and the Knowledge Generator™ software application tools will automatically create interactive mircoSelf-learning or skills training lessons, tests with immediate "GAMIFICATION' scores. The product uses Information Into your Knowledge principles that engages the user via electronic based learning that provide a comprehensive, interactive engagement solution with existing digital communicative and learning devices, such as personal computers and Smart Devices that DO NOT RELY ON THE INTERNET


Accelerated Learning Syntality™
Background Whitepaper research

During the last ten years, the self-education industry has been powered by the rapid growth in information based technology. The amount of information that a person needs to access on a daily basis has increased exponentially. Today, we are inundated with approximately 4 Exabytes of data each day. This is like creating a stack of CDs from Earth to the Moon and back each day. In addition, the rapid changes in the ways we receive, access or modify information (Internet, USB, iPhone, cable/satellite networks), and the decreasing ability of the public sector to quantify and get up-to-date education and training, (a world-wide trend) assures with certainty that the ability to learn effectively and use the learned information in everyday life will become more important than the actual knowledge possessed by an individual. Individuals and corporations are increasingly aware that “One cannot survive without continuous Knowledge Acquisition. If you stop turning Data/content into your Knowledge = (DyK), your level of knowledge will be effected and most likely your career options too.”

Numerous companies and some governments restructure to empower their employees to maximize independence and encourage them to learn how to be more confident and effective. This is evidenced by the mounting perception of inadequate training provided to students in the publicly funded education system and employees in companies. In short; an organization that is able to offer products and/or services that measurably and significantly improves an individual’s ability to learn, retain, apply and communicate information, and easily adapts to specific areas of study, will be more effective in servicing the public or capturing a significant market niche in the emerging Data/Information into “knowledge” industry. 

What is Accelerated Learning (AL)? Learning from explicit (text, lecture, video) or implicit (context, intuition, body language) sources of information is a trainable skill.

This training can be roughly divided into four (4) steps: These 4 key steps to learning are:

1. Data: This is what you see or hear. Training the student or employee to quickly see important objects and examples-the traditional “passing on the information.”

2. Information: Recognize what is known vs. not known. Training the student or employee in techniques that will enable him/her to effectively use these familiar objects to learn information: “teaching how to learn.” – the traditional “passing on structured information via teacher or trainer.”

3. Knowledge: Turning Data/Information into Your understanding or Knowledge (DyK) thereupon:

Knowledge will give you confidence and confidence gives you a better attitude Instilling confidence and curiosity necessary to tackle the unknown comes through measurable Knowledge (tests). Recent developments in cognitive sciences (an important area of psychology) as well as many thousands of years of “teaching experience” throughout human history has given us more understanding of how to facilitate these learning steps.
Modern Technology through Mount Knowledge’s DYNAMIC Real Time microSelf Learning Intelligent Knowledge Generator™ educational engine provides learners interactive multimedia tools to handle Data/Information faster and easier from ANY textual content and on ANY subject a person wants or needs to learn.

4. Creativity:The ability to handle the unknown or problem solve. There exists a set of guidelines for developing exercises and techniques to train people to increase their creativity abilities through: retention, recall, speed learning, intelligence, communication skills and confidence level.

These guidelines are:

Research, development and training in the area, “learning how to learn” and “instilling confidence”

How Do You Train A Student or An Employee to learn better and easier?

The Mount Knowledge Solution

Research has shown that there are 3 types of Memory: Sensory, Working and Long-term. Understanding how to use these learning processes will help anyone to turn Data/content into their Knowledge (DyK) – quickly. This required an interactive learning method and system.

Based on this research, in 1995, Mount Knowledge developed the trademarked classroom training product called Syntality™ – “a Holistic Approach to train Accelerated Learning by Actively Doing for Long-Term Memory retention”. Syntality™ is a training program as opposed to an information package. The underlying philosophy of the Syntality™ program stresses the importance of DyK learning by actively doing: choosing what to learn, learning it effectively, making judgments, deciding and managing actions. Syntality™ is a personal empowerment program tying together interactive learning and personal development. 

Further research has shown that within the working memory process there are two types of information inputs – Verbal and Visual. When you are able to have a learner combine and interact with this information your ability to become knowledgeable faster and better increases.
By 2015 technology was sufficiently advanced to enable Mount Knowledge to takes its classroom training of Syntality™ Accelerated Learning (AL) process and develop its current patented AI, (Artificial Intelligence) ML, personalize Gamification Avatar technology into an interactive multi-media DYNAMIC Real Time microSelf-Learning Intelligent engine called the Knowledge Generator ™ (KG) to help people to turn “Data/Information into Your Knowledge” faster than traditional methods.The Components of Training 
Syntality™ is comprised of a digital program (KG) and in-house training sessions. The three primary areas of Syntality™ training includes; Visual, Auditory, Tactile combined with time and emotions. This training provides a foundation of comprehension and confidence building into your abilities to better assimilate DyK through Dynamic Real Time microSelf-Learning and microSelf-Testing tools on ANY subject that you need or want to learn. 

Syntality™ and the Knowledge Generator Avatar tools use the Internet, HTML, Microsoft Office and Syntality™ with the KG Personal Development in Leadership, Problem Solving, Risk Taking, Career Development, ESL programs. Syntality™ trains people in the construction of their own “Learning Interfaces” in order to maximize the effectiveness of learning. The process mimics the evolution of the computer human interface that has been developed from text driven command line interfaces to graphical user interfaces, simplifying the learning process, reducing the time separating learning and action for the end user. The Syntality™ and KG process has been fully researched. It is an application of the most significant findings in cognitive and behavioral psychology, and the ancient teachings of many cultures. It works because it is natural – it makes people aware of how to use and reinforce some of the functions of the brain to their advantage. Remarkably, Syntality™ and KG training is enjoyable and it has a startling effect on how people learn, recall and present information. It gives trainees the confidence to tackle the unknown.

Customers who would benefit from Syntality™ and the Knowledge Generator ™ programs include:
  • Students
  • Parents
  • Educators
  • Schools
  • NGO Communities
  • Employees
  • Corporations
  • Government
The Syntality™ and KG program outline is a combination of in class training, Digital KG audio-visual eLearning packages,
Internet and e-mail support utilizing state-of-the-art communication technology such as Interactive webinars, Smart Phones, MP3 players, etc.

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